As part of this system, ETC's Police Accredited Traffic Officers (PATO) can be authorised by a local police constabulary to direct and restrict traffic on public highways as part of the your event's traffic management measures.
The benefit of this is to ensure that the transition from the public highway to your venue is a smooth one. This is particularly important as the police no longer support this role. It also provides a flexible and responsive alternative to temporary traffic lights.
The benefits of PATO are as follows;
- PATO creates a great impact for attendants and the local community alike by limiting traffic congestion around the venue
- PATO provides the co-ordination of highway and on-site traffic into and out of the event to effectively reduce delays
- PATO allows the quick response to traffic issues and minimising their impact
- PATO pro-actively controls traffic to clear the way for emergency services
The use of PATO is a very cost-effective alternative to the Police that is used by CSAS accredited companies.
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